Saturday, 1 May 2010

The new Advert for Doritos

Hello Friends and followers,
sorry it has been a while, we have had half term and I have been busy on new and old projects.
I did a visit to Phoenix-Trading head office a week or so ago, what an interesting day. Saw the whole process of how a drawing becomes a card, note paper etc right through to what happens to all the orders that arrive how they pick, pack and dispatch.
I also turned 50, which seems to be a big deal to mostly everybody except me. How do you feel today I was asked, well the question is the same as I did yesterday, last week, last year, in fact the same as when I was 49, 48, 47 and back and back. What was expected ?? was my hair supposed to turn grey overnight and all my teeth fall out, my skin to wrinkle even more and my brain to go into total shutdown ??? I dont know, but I feel that being 50 is over-rated.
Anyway that is enough waffle from me. Now is the part where I NEED YOUR HELP. I know you bloggers are great people. Can you help Paul Reed turn his idea into the next new advert for Doritos. Imagine what a story this will make for round the table on Christmas Day this year. I CHOSE THE NEW DORITOS ADVERT. My friend Paul is very talented and has spend time and effort into making this advert
please copy and paste this link, share it amongst your friends, post it on your blog, email it to your nearest and dearest. This is important and will mean a lot to Paul.
If you want to know more about him go to
Thanks bloggers and I wont leave it so long between blogs again (I promise)

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