Saturday, 22 May 2010

blog a day 6

today in london it has been exceptionally hot, hot, hot
tomorrow I have got a date with a boot fair
Have loaded the car in preparation, loads of stuff I will never use or wear, everything from baby shoes to Custo Barcelona dressed that I can only ever dream of fitting in, so off they go.

Because I wont have time here is my blog recommendation for Sunday

hope you have all enjoyed your weekend.

Friday, 21 May 2010

crafts outrageous: Blog a day 5

crafts outrageous: Blog a day 5

Blog a day 5

yes I know I am a bit early with this one but tomorrow is weekend and the children are very excited as we are going to have what I think is traditionally known abroad as a yard sale, they are going to put a table outside in our front garden and sell their old toys and by the sounds of it anything else they can get their hands on, (as long as it is not all my craft goodies), so will update you on monday on their progress. Will try and find another blog for sunday though so do drop in and have a look

Blog a day 4

Wow I didnt realise that this was going to be so difficult, but hey I found another blog today

check it out

Thursday, 20 May 2010

blog a day 3

Well its day three and I am still looking for friends with blogs. Although not in the UK here is the blog for day three

stunning tissue creations, simple but effective.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

blog a day 2

Ok so I have made it to day 2.
Today it is the turn of Crafty Jemima

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Blog a Site a Day

With all the best will in the world I am going to try to blog a site a day.
I am going to start today with my friend Lisa and her Folksy site Lemonade and Lamingtons. So here you are lisa a shout out for you.!/pages/Lemonade-and-Lamingtons/126348630709363?ref=ts

My New Toy

Well its finally good news, my new toy has made it out of the box. Yes my Baby Lock embellishing machine is out and up and running. What great fun, just simply making felt, I am sure there is loads more things that I am going to achieve, but a simple ball of fluffy wool and some wadding has made some great felt. It has been listed on my crafting page "Crafts Outrageous" on facebook. Although I cant figure out why my pictures wont load tonight but I will get them sorted out asap. Watch out for some more stunning creations coming up. What a great 50th birthday present this has turned out to be.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Elephant Parade London 2010

Oh my poor feet, they really do ache. As it was the weekend and my husband was at work for the whole of it, in my wisdom I decided on a day trip to London with my kids, a borrowed kid and my friend and her three kids. Had seen Elephant Parade advertised, so I downloaded the map and off we went. We were lucky with the weather and once we saw our first few elephants the kids got into the swing of things and away we went. We must have walked miles, via a MacDonalds of course. All in all we had a great day and took loads of pictures, went to see her Maj at Buck House but she was not there today. The kids are still buzzing but to be totally honest its off to bed for me. Goodnight all and enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Time Time Time

If only there were more hours in the day. I dont seem to have much time lately. I have so many things I want to do and not enough hours in the day. My new Babylock embellishing machine is still sitting in the box one week after purchase, I am so desperate to have a go, but creating requires time. The school summer fair is gathering speed, it will be here before we all know it, and as Co-chair it will not organize itself. So today has been leg-work up and down the High Street, trying to persuade businesses to support the school, an easy task, well I probably could get blood out of a stone quicker. A thankless job at best, but somebody has to do it.
I also want to get on with getting some query letters sent out for Paul, good job he understands that I have other things to do, but if anybody out there reading this has a magic wand that is available for a fee, then kindly let me know. Well, sorry this posting cant be longer I have run out of timeeeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Becoming the Ghost

Well its coming together. I have begun my journey into the world of Ghost writing, no not ghost stories, but helping to get ideas into words, into a book. Yes exciting. The work has now begun, the first stage of getting an Agent is complete and the letters are about to go out and make their way in the world. This is going to be a learning curve for me, I'm good but just how good. The ideas are not my own and I am beginning to get a feel for the story.
Also met Toni today, a very supportive wife and despite what has happened and you will learn more when things develop, a very well grounded person, without malice and suspicion. I am sure as time goes on we can become friends rather than just a mutual point in a story. Of course Harry is happy to be friends with whoever, providing you dont appear to look like a ghost, but that is another story and hopefully you will see evidence on Youtube in the next couple of days. So come with me on my journey, hope on-board you are welcome.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

crafts outrageous: The new Advert for Doritos

The new Advert for Doritos

Hello Friends and followers,
sorry it has been a while, we have had half term and I have been busy on new and old projects.
I did a visit to Phoenix-Trading head office a week or so ago, what an interesting day. Saw the whole process of how a drawing becomes a card, note paper etc right through to what happens to all the orders that arrive how they pick, pack and dispatch.
I also turned 50, which seems to be a big deal to mostly everybody except me. How do you feel today I was asked, well the question is the same as I did yesterday, last week, last year, in fact the same as when I was 49, 48, 47 and back and back. What was expected ?? was my hair supposed to turn grey overnight and all my teeth fall out, my skin to wrinkle even more and my brain to go into total shutdown ??? I dont know, but I feel that being 50 is over-rated.
Anyway that is enough waffle from me. Now is the part where I NEED YOUR HELP. I know you bloggers are great people. Can you help Paul Reed turn his idea into the next new advert for Doritos. Imagine what a story this will make for round the table on Christmas Day this year. I CHOSE THE NEW DORITOS ADVERT. My friend Paul is very talented and has spend time and effort into making this advert
please copy and paste this link, share it amongst your friends, post it on your blog, email it to your nearest and dearest. This is important and will mean a lot to Paul.
If you want to know more about him go to
Thanks bloggers and I wont leave it so long between blogs again (I promise)

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

What a Day

I am in the foulest of foul moods since this afternoon. I was parked in Lee whilst doing my thing at Knitshop, when some low life scumbag decided to smash my car window and steal the Stereo (not the most up to date model). They dont understand the consequences of their actions. Its not just that I now have to get the window fixed to secure the car, but I also have to pay a £60 insurance excess, and run the risk of my insurance being even more expensive next year as I have had to make a claim. They also went through the glove box, perhaps looking for a sat-nav or ipod or something, but they would have been unlucky as all they found was a load of really old cassette tapes. However they did leave all my change in the centre consul that I use for parking so they either got disturbed or only wanted the radio for some strange reason. AND of course nobody saw or heard anything. May my car radio bring them nothing but bad luck and misfortune.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Today is the last day that I will be escorting class 3s swimming. Hooray Thursday's will become my own again. Not that it has not been a pleasure in joining in, the kids have been great and its been strange being called Mrs Robinson. The children have all done great and its been a good opportunity for some of them to learn who would never have achieved such a feat. Well better get ready to leave soon.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Well what a day, my first days paid work for nearly 11 years, and boy oh boy have I enjoyed it. Although my back and feet ache and I had to walk miles to catch a bus home I have a sense of achievement.
Just wondering however, with my little part time job, Phoenix cards, and being mum with all the associated housework etc, plus my Ebay shop and my new love of sewing how on earth am I going to fit it all in. and lets not forget my love for polymer clay. Has anybody got any extra hours I can add to my 24, or a shortcut to feeling as if you have had hours sleep when in fact you have only been asleep for about 4 hours. All suggestions welcome.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The sun has been out for the most of the morning but now the clouds are rolling in. Bet it will rain about 3pm when I am waiting for the kids to come out of school. How does the weather know what the time is.
Went to the last of my current Crochet classes last night. It was small and intimate but great company and some bizarre conversations, I find Sioned a very entertaining young lady. Tania managed to cast off her knitting and Barbara well she was just Barbara. Dont know if I can manage an advanced class yet, maybe a craft group would be good, embrace all things crafting. We will see. Well Ebay goods to pack so better get on with it. Tatarrr

Monday, 22 March 2010

Whilst playing one of my favourite applications on facebook I had a thought.
I have struggled all my adult like with learning a foreign language.
Many a teacher whilst I was at school threw their arms up in the air in despair.
I was speaking something other than the language they were trying to teach me.
Despite living in Spain as a child I refused to speak Spanish
Now however, thanks to my dear friend Lisa I have learnt to speak a little Australian
I know what a Motza is and a few other phrases that I cant remember here and now but if spoken or written I know what they mean. So approaching my half century I can finally speak something other than English and complete gibber jabber.

New to blogging

As you may already be aware I am new to blogging.
My trusted friend who always answers my technical questions has told me that my settings would not allow comments from friends and followers.
So with a lot of huff and puff I have managed to figure out how to change this.
Your comments are always welcome be them constructive, technical or just chit chat but please no undesirable language as my kids read this as well.
The sun is out and it finally looks like spring has sprung, oh happy days.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

our first day out

Crafts Outrageous has its first day out yesterday. It was a craft and arts fair in SE London. It was not a great start to get off the ground. Customers were few and far between with stallholders spending money with each other, some because they liked what was for sale, others I am sure just out of sympathy.

Oh well you live and learn we carry on regardless.

Watch out for our Etsy shop coming soon.